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Because pillows can come in contact with the face during sleep, it is advisable to use clean pillowcases. Also, face towels should be washed and kept clean. Using dirty washcloths and pillowcases can harbor germs and bacteria that can cause skin infection and acne outbreaks. For the same principle, cosmetic brushes should also be cleaned regularly with soap and water.
5) Use sunscreen. Daily exposure to ultraviolet light causes microscopic damage to the skin that is sometimes irreversible. Not only can excessive sun exposure cause blotchy spots that some people call "liver spots", but it can also cause wrinkles to show prematurely. Even in the winter months, use at least an SPF 15 facial moisturizer daily.
Although it may be true that exercise does not contribute much to the improvement of the orange-peel-look of your legs, it is important in strengthening your muscles and preventing the further exacerbation of the problem. Even athletes find themselves battling with cellulite, but their subcutaneous fat does not show much. More importantly, exercise improves blood circulation, which you need to prevent formation of fatty deposits underneath the skin.
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