Acne blemish treatment and clearasil acne medication

We all agree as far as common sense dictates that a well balanced diet is good in fact ideal for living well (this also includes the skin) But eating your chocolates, pizza and all those "junk" has not been scientifically proven to cause Acne.
Tea tree oil is one of the natural acne cures that have caught the attention of a lot of people, primarily because it does work wonders. This natural oil comes from Australia's alternifoliasis trees. Tea tree oil is particularly effective in dealing with acne because it has terpenes. Terpenes are actually substances that fight off bacteria that cause acne. So, if your condition is caused by bacteria, then you can definitely try the application of tea tree oil.
A different type of mask is one made of aspirin tablets, 6 to 8 of the uncoated type, it should be mixed with a little bit of water and honey to make a paste. This can then be applied to the face and when it is ready, which will be approximately 15 minutes, it will begin to crumble. When it is washed off, it is important to follow this with a mild face soap that will cleanse the face. The honey will help to soothe the face and clean the pores. Aspirin is good for unclogging the pores and clear up blemishes.
tags: myth about food afecting acne, nature's cure male acne product, organic garlic cure my acne