Homemade vinstant cure for pimples and acne and acne solutions emergency gel lotion

There are several different kinds of acne treatments that you can choose from including homemade, store bought and prescribed. If cost is a factor, a homemade acne treatment is your best bet. Many department store products are also fairly inexpensive and bring about great results. So, what's better, homemade or store bought? Nearly 80 percent of people who tried department store acne treatments reported an improvement in their acne condition. Those who chose a homemade acne treatment also reported a great improvement in their skin. This means that personal preference, cost and convenience are the deciding factors.
1. Getting more sleep
If you relate yourself to the situations mentioned, you should double up protection on your skin. To avoid direct contact with the sun, apply an oil-free SPF 15 sunblock regularly. As for job-related contact with skin-harming substance, wear a face mask or avoid long hours of exposure whenever possible.
tags: get acne off your face, at home acne blemish cures, best treatment acne scars african american skin