Sulfur soap for acne

« ...I started to eat a lot more fresh food and of course I exercised. Every other day I would steam my face and rinse with cold water and would change my bed clothing at the same time....
...The dermatologist qualified and experienced in the treatment of acne is in the best position to diagnose, define and prescribe the most effective acne medicine. In the last decade, treatment for acne has made giant strides. In the past, the best hope for acne sufferers was specialized soaps and skin cleansers which were sometimes harsh and damaging to the skin. Today, new treatments work effectively on the underlying causes of acne so that the condition is fought below the surface of the skin. Improvements in the knowledge base are being made constantly with hope for a complete cure in most patients now a reachable objective....»
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«...Make sure you always shower at least once per day. Also make sure that you take a shower after any activity that involves sweating. I know this sounds simple enough right? Yea well I had to say it, otherwise you might not know....»
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